What are Custom Fitted Mouthguards?
Custom fitted mouth guards are made, for our patients, in our office or sent out to our lab, depending on the type of guard needed. We fabricate two types of custom mouth guards, athletic mouth guards and night guards.
For Athletic, why are these superior to the ones I can buy from a sporting goods store?
Athletic mouth guards are made to protect the teeth from sports related damage or trauma. The athletic guards made in our office are far superior to the over-the-counter guards, in that they are custom fit to each patients’ mouth and made of a much stronger, more durable material, to better protect against trauma.
For Night, why does this help and why might I need one?
Night guards are made to prevent clenching and grinding(also known as bruxism ). Patients who clench or grind their teeth are at a higher risk for excessive tooth wear and gum recession.
How much do they cost?
The guards made in office typically cost $250 with no insurance coverage, although sometimes insurance will pay 50% of that. Lab made guards tend to cost a bit more than in office guards.
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